IMO Publishing Digital Books

Nautischer Dienst Kapitän Stegmann is an authorized distributor of IMO Publishing. We stock the complete publishing program including the digital products.
IMO Bookshelf

All IMO Publishing’s bestsellers are now sold as e-reader products in EBK format. The platform for the new products is The IMO Bookshelf, which is aimed at the carriage of publications on board ships.
EBK-format e-reader products replace PDF-format e-books and, in some instances, CDs. They are exact copies of the printed books, as were the PDF-format e-books, but they can only be viewed using the free e-reader software.
The IMO Bookshelf is the first product to offer the IMDG Code, SOLAS, Ships’ Routeing and MARPOL in e-reader format (NB: the IMDG Code for Windows, the IMO-Vega Database and SOLAS on CD will still be sold). Titles not included in The IMO Bookshelf, including Model Courses and most non-English titles, will continue to be sold in PDF format as e-books.
CD´s and DVD´s
A number of core titles from IMO Publishing are available on CD. CD´s are especially suitable if no access is available to the internet. The interface is user-friendly and the navigation is easily.
- IMO Vega Database
- IMDG Code
- Assembly Resolutions
- ISPS Code
- Ships´Routeing
- IAMSAR Manual
- GMDSS Manual
- DVD: IMO – Safe, Secure and Efficient Shipping on Clean Oceans
- DVD: Invaders from the Sea
An IMO Publishing e-book is an exact copy of the printed book and is normally available in English, French, and Spanish immediately after the printed title has been published. All e-books are presented in PDF file format.
Internet Subscription
IMO Publishing has developed internet subscriptions for four core title, namely SOLAS, IMDG-Code, MARPOL and IMO-Vega. These internet subscriptions comprise an index and an advanced search facility which enable you to easily find the information required. These live products are regularly updated.