SAILOR 250/500 FleetBroadband

SAILOR FleetBroadband from Thrane & Thrane is ready to embark your ship. Choose between SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband or SAILOR 250 FleetBroadband for reliable high-speed IP communication. The next generation of satellite communication with seamless coverage based on Inmarsat services.
No other company is as familiar with the special needs for maritime satellite communication as Thrane & Thrane. Combined with an extensive know-how and hands-on experience from land-based satellite broadband solutions, the SAILOR FleetBroadband offer all mariners a whole new level of maritime satellite communication.
Remarkable data speed
These unique solutions give you faster, more cost-effective access to data services than ever before. Data speed becomes especially remarkable when compared with weight and size of the antennas. At a diameter of only 60 cm and weighing just 16 kg the SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband delivers an amazing data speed of up to 432 kbps.
IP handset (VoIP)
As an important part of this offering, the SAILOR FleetBroadband solutions include a new handset. With this handset companies will be able to integrate their telecommunications and infrastructure, streamlining the whole operation. The handset has been developed with a special focus on the users and the features they need.
Important features:
- IP connection for e-mail and internet/intranet access including secure VPN
- Streaming IP (Quality of Service; i.e. guaranteed bandwidth)
- ISDN (SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband only)
- Voice and data simultaneously
- Small size hardware
Simultaneously having access to voice and high-speed data services on a global basis will revolutionize data success on vessels. Sea chart information, online weather data, route planning and crew calling can all be undertaken at the same time, highly increasing information efficiency on board. Operation and service of FleetBroadband will continue for many years ensuring a stable platform for the future.